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Thursday, May 20, 2010


I still remember the first time I learn formally about blog. Yup! inside the classroom for sure. Subject MGT 417: Information system. Still remember the charming lecturer that taught us the subject. Mr Sham (Smart, handsome and intelligent..ehehe..1st sem dh ada "crush" dgn lecturer sendiri..Jangan dia baca blog ni sudeh! x sanggup nk jumpa masa konvo nanti..hehehe). Every time masuk kelas dia je kecut perut coz dia suke tanya soalan.. The subject are a little bit technical (wait! a bit?? nope..byk technical part dia) so mana blh goreng2 je jawapan and lagipun he will stay at your place until he gets the answer he wanted..I am one of his favorite student yg akan ditanya soalan..nama commercial la katakan.."your name just 'pop' in my head" katanya. hehehe..senang org nk ingat nama sy. Well, anyways, lets start will the definition of blog.

Blog: Also called a weblog, a personal website for public view on which someone regularly records their opinions or experiences and creates links to other sites

yeah..its for public view..that is why sometimes I am curious why certain people love to privatized their blog or more specific kejap private, kejap tak jgk hanya untuk tontonan for certain public view.. I cant say much about it because its their right to do so..I once privatized my blog jgk tp hanya dengan alasan it has being violated so much..hahaha..silap sendiri..menulis blog dalam keadaan emotional sape suruh. so rasakan result dia..

I first started my blog almost a year a go..yup tau lambat..mcm org kampung??? eheheeh..x la.. cuma org bandar yg x berapa minat dengan IT sikit je..lgpn I dun really like writing.. tulis diary lagi jgn cakap la.x pernah kut. What I like to write is report assignment and research yg panjang berjela and jawab soalan exam dengan panjang sepanjangnya..saje nak menyumbang idea sendiri bagi jawapan yg ditanya..hehehe. Tulis sms pun kadang2 malas and I lebih prefer to call or hanya dengan terpaksa je kalu kena tulis panjang2 coz I knew my receiver pn x kn suke kalau dapat sms panjang2.

Actually, the main reason for me to start my blog is because of HER. yup HER..because I was amazed with her language and the style she wrote her blog. (to those who read my older blog will knows) Say I envy her?? well, for certain things je..her intelligence as a psychotherapist and advisor to someone and her natural beauty no matter whether she is thin or chubby..she still looks beautiful. Making her as my Idol??? hahaha..OBVIOUSLY NO! She can be someone else idol but not mine.

My current blog pun sekarang tak update sgt..too busy with other things though. But sometime sy "teruja" nak tau kepada yg update blog dia 3,4 kali dalam sehari..bagusnya kalu diberi masa extra mcm tu.. Seronok! but I will not going to use it just for blogging as there are a lot of other important things to do :)
. Anyways, BLOG & ME? sori bukanlah kawan yang is one way for me to express my feeling and thoughts (Eh! mcm glee plak..hehehe) but one thing for sure as I start to write a blog, I really enjoy it.

With love,
Mia Nur


  1. mr sham?dia strict sangat sem1 tu...masuk kelas jer terus kecut perut...

    yup,blog best giller...

  2. hahaha..teringat masa muda mudi dulu..

  3. Me too..okie la..tkr..masa zaman2 kanak2 rebina..hehehe
