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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Operation Theater

Sorry for not updating my blog for quite a time.. Yup! something came up.. I went for an operation to cut out a lump (ganglion bak kata doctor) on my right hand..Nothing much to write, enjoy the pictures..

Tags on my hand.. one for admission and another one for the operation..

The lump on my right hand.. (share my ups and down for almost 1 year..hehehe)

And again..

After the operation..I have to stay this way for 1 week..

Cupcakes from my best friend Fadilah which she brings along when visiting me at my house a day after the operation..(sedap sgt2 cupcake tell the truth, I didn't share it with anyone..hehehe..and I finished it in one day!)

I'm recovering now..hopefully to open the bandage by the end of this week and able to use my right hand again as usual.

With love,
Mia Nur

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lelaki Pelindung

Ever heard this quote saying that "In the future the population of women will be more than man"..Actually, it is not the population who are reducing but its the men who are still having the quality of a real men are reducing..

One radio station came up with this discussion and as a conclusion, I managed to capture a few words to share with..

"Lelaki pelindung adalah lelaki yang tidak akan BERZINA dengan perempuan kerana dia tahu tanggungjawabnya untuk melindungi maruah perempuan yang bukan halal baginya.."

"Lelaki pelindung adalah lelaki yang tidak akan MEROGOL perempuan kerana dia tahu tanggungjawabnya untuk melindungi perempuan yang lemah daripada disakiti.."

"Lelaki pelindung adalah lelaki yang tahu tanggungjawabnya sebagai ketua keluarga dimana dia bertanggungjawab menyediakan tempat berlindung, makan pakai isteri dan anak-anaknya.."

p/s: Just for sharing :)..enjoy!

With love,
Mia Nur

Monday, June 21, 2010


Its kinda funny knowing how a novel reflects your real life.. Maybe its not 100% exactly the same but around 80% - 90%.. Its like someone tells others about you. Actually there is a novel introduced by my friend Fadilah (mind you that she is a novel lover) entitled "Cinta Ain Naqilah" written by Siti Nur Athirah Bt Mat Taha and published by Telaga Biru.. She "fished" me to read this novel by saying.. "Cerita dia macam awk"..hehehe.. Okay..After reading it..yup its true..the story is kinda similar with me..the cinta part ye..It then makes me realised..perhaps what happened to me really did happened to someone else too or maybe worse.. hm..this is how God test us. Anyways, the overall story was Islamic (and surely it does open my eyes) and here are a quote at the end of the novel that I would like to share with others..simple with a deep meaning..

"Jika ada sesiapa pinta CINTAmu,
katakan ianya hanya pada ALLAH.
Jika ada sesiapa pinta RINDUmu,
katakan ia hanya untuk RASULULLAH.
Jika ada sesiapa pinta KASIHmu,
katakan ianya hanya buat IBUBAPAmu.
Jika ada sesiapa pinta SAYANGmu,
katakan kau menyayangi saudara-saudara MUSLIMmu.
Jika ada sesiapa pinta KEIKHLASANmu,
maka berilah ia pada yang benar-benar menghargainya."

Its true, only people who really know how to appreciate you deserve your love.. Till we meet again..

With love,
Mia Nur

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thank God it still there!

I was feeling lucky and excited when I opened back my old email looking for my past sent item and I found lots of things..yup! an old email to back me up with all the future "accusation" some people might have against me. Thank God all the proves are still there..

With love,
Mia Nur

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My perfect soul mate

I used to have a dream..well, more accurate daydreams on what kind of guy I wanted to be with..or more likely to be called my dream guy a.k.a my Mr. Right. Rasanya every human being experience the same thing both men's and womens.For me, here are the criteria of my perfect soul mate

1. Older than me - So that I will respect him as a partner. Hm..senang cakap sy suka lelaki yang mature.

2. Not a smoker! atau sewaktu dengannya - Its not that I hate smokers but I prefer to be with a non-smoker-person.. reason?? I dun like the smell of smoke and in fact if we are married one day, he will harm me as well our babies indirectly with the awful danger of cigarette smoke..right kn??? And definitely not a drugs addict.

3. Have a stable career - To support his own life as well eventually ours. Jangan pulak nanti perempuan yang tanggung dia.

4. Have a car - Well at least drive a car. To tell the truth, I hate driving. I drive when I really had to.. To prove on how much I really hate driving, hm..I was orang yang paling lambat in my siblings to posses a driving license.At the age of 20 br ada driving license..saja ambil lambat sebab tak minat langsung nak bawak kereta. Unlike like my sisters and brother where they get their driving license as early as 18 years old..Call me "a driver that never drives" or "orang yg langgar jalan"..what the yang pasti I am very proud to say that I AM NEVER A DRIVER TO ANYONE!..hehehe. So about having a car, I prefer the guy to pick me up and send me back every time we went out..act like a gentlemen..

5. A Muslim - Definitely a must. How on earth will we get married if he is a non-Muslim.. A converted will be accepted but then mesti niat dia untuk masuk Islam not semata2 kerana cinta..bahaya..

6. Loyal and honest - I believe this is a secret of a long lasting relationship.. To those who really knew me they will know that I am not a person who looking for a boyfriend (apparently because the relationship did not last).. I'm looking for a relationship more than that..more perfectly, I am looking for a husband..a future husband. I can be loyal and honest and I'm expecting my future husband to do the same.

7. Ambitious - He knew what he is doing and he have a clear view on what he wanted to achieve in the future..He has his short and long term goals..

8. Knowledgeable - So dia boleh bimbing saya..bukan sahaja ilmu duniawi tapi juga ilmu akhirat.. A knowledgeable person jugak penting for me because I know I will respect him for his knowledge. Since I have a degree in Business Administration (what type of course taken jugak penting tau).. I am expecting him to be at least at the same level as me.

9. Good looking - More on "sedap mata memandang" because susah plak nanti bila dia ada ramai "peminat"..peminat biasa-biasa x pe lagi..kalau peminat gila..mampus!

10. Romantic - Hm..this will be an advantage.. tapi saya pernah dengar that "lebih baik kalau dapat lelaki yang penyayang daripada lelaki yang romantik".. berbeza kan??? lelaki yang penyayang lebih kekal berbanding lelaki romantik.. lelaki yang penyayang mestilah lelaki yang tidak pukul pasangannya atau mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat kerana ada cara yang lebih baik untuk mengajar dan menegur kesilapan pasangan masing-masing

11. Baik budi perkerti - Dia mestilah pandai mengambil hati orang tua. Baik budi bahasanya dan bukanlah seorang yang suka mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat sebab sy percaya setiap kata-kata itu adalah doa and kita mestilah mendoakan perkara yang baik sahaja.

Hm..after went back with this entry rasa mcm terlebih perfect pulak.. But what most important is I know what I'm looking for in my man. I will know he is my perfect soul mate when the time is right for me to met him (^_^).. Last but not least, enjoy a quote I pick out from one of my friend's page..

"Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you."

With love,
Mia Nur

Monday, June 7, 2010

A special dedication to all my girlfriends

To the single and not single..this is what Oprah has to say about men.

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away..

If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay..

Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour. Allow your intuition or spirit to save you from heartache..

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that is not meant to be..Slower is better..

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy..

If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve than heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle..

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is..

Don't stay because you think "it will get better". you'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you..

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from him..

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up..

Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later..

You cannot change a man's behaviour. Change comes from within..

Don't ever make him feel he is more important than you are..even if he has more education or in a better job..

Do not make him into a quasi-God. He is a man, nothing more, nothing less..

Never let a man define who you are..

Never borrow someone else's man..

If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.. (again and again)

A man will only treat you the way you allow him to treat you..

You should not be the one doing all the bending..compromise is a two way street..

You need time to heal between relationship..there is nothing cute about with your issues before pursuing a new relationship..

You should never look for someone to complete you.. A relationship consists of two whole individuals..look for someone complimentary.. not supplementary..

Dating is fun..even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right..

Make him miss you sometimes..when a man always know where you are and you are always readily available to him-he takes it for granted..

Never move into his mother's house..

Never co-sign for a man..

Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others too..

Share this with other women.. you'll make someone smile, another rethink of her choices and another prepare.

With love,
Mia Nur

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Random Numbers

It's been quite a busy week for me.yup!..getting calls for interview invitations and went for interviews..sometimes in one day, lebih kurang 2 calls received. The numbers can be in both office and mobile numbers (mostly I will only perasan when there's a missed call I will call them back..4 5 times or until they pick up-coz maybe penting kn??)..some did even call after 5 p.m (maybe because it's a private organization where office opens-24/7)
Hopefully I will received a job offer that I-really-want-and-suit-me as soon as possible..I really need a full and permanent job now..
With love,
Mia Nur

Lagenda Budak Setan

Yippee! Another Malay movie is out! (ye..I had to admit it..saya suke tengok malay movie contohnya macam 'Cinta', 'Sepi', 'pisau cukur' and others yg sy tau its worth to watch in the cinema..hehehe)..

The "Lagenda Budak Setan" movie's adaptation from one of the most popular novel some time ago..

The original novel of "Lagenda Budak Setan"

Comments about the movie???
Great! :)
Hm..kena tengok sendiri la and judge it by yourself..for me, I believe this story does touches a few and kinda similar with some sort of things happened in my life. (a few scenes je..hehehe)

With love,
Mia Nur

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Adakah CINTA memerlukan sebab?

Do you need a reason to love and to be loved by someone??

Dalam satu kisah percintaan yang menarik. Sepasang suami isteri berjalan di tepi sebuah tasik yang indah. Kemudian mereka berhenti di sebuah bangku yang disediakan di tepi tasik. Kemudian si isteri bertanya kepada si suami. Ini dialog mereka

Isteri : Mengapa abang menyukai saya? Mengapa abang cintakan saya?
Suami : Abang tidak boleh menerangkan sebabnya, namun begitu abang memang menyayangi dan mencintai Sayang!
Isteri : Abang tak boleh terangkan sebabnya? Bagaimana abang boleh katakan abang sayang dan cintakan saya sedangkan abang tidak boleh menerangkannya.
Suami : Betul! Abang tak tahu sebabnya tetapi abang boleh buktikan bahawa abang memang cintakan Sayang!
Isteri : Tak boleh beri bukti! Tidak! Saya hendak abang terangkan kepada saya sebabnya. Kawan-kawan saya yang lain yang mempunyai suami dan teman lelaki, semuanya tahu menerangkan mengapa mereka mencintai. Dalam bentuk puisi dan syair lagi. Namun begitu abang tidak boleh terangkan sebabnya.

Si suami menarik nafas panjang dan dia berkata "Baiklah! Abang mencintai Sayang sebab sayang cantik, mempunyai suara yang merdu, penyayang dan mengingati abang selalu. Abang juga sukakan senyuman manis dan setiap tapak Sayang melangkah, di situlah cinta Abang bersama Sayang!"

Si isteri tersenyum dan berpuas hati dengan penerangan suaminya tadi.Namun begitu selang beberapa hari si isteri mengalami kemalangan dan koma.Si suami amat bersedih dan menulis sepucuk surat kepada isterinya yangdisayangi. Surat itu diletakkan di sebelah katil isterinya di hospital.Surat tersebut berbunyi begini :
"Sayang! Jika disebabkan suara aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkau bersuara? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu. Jika disebabkan kasih sayang dan ingatan aku mencintai mu...sekarang bolehkah engkau menunjukkannya? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkan senyuman aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkau tersenyum? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkan setiap langkah aku mencintai mu.... sekarang bolehkah engkau melangkah? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu. Jika cinta memerlukan sebabnya, seperti sekarang. Aku tidak mempunyai sebab mencintai mu lagi.Adakah cinta memerlukan sebab? Tidak! Aku masih mencintai mu dulu, kini,selamanya dan cinta tidak perlu ada sebab. Kadangkala perkara tercantik dan terbaik di dunia tidak boleh dilihat, dipegang. Namun begitu... ia boleh dirasai dalam hati."

So, do we need a reason to love? I used to be asked the same question..and my answer is "I love you because of you!" :)

With love,
Mia Nur